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Your Vote is Your Voice

Call to Action
Use your talents and your voice to make an impact

John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Since the 2012 Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder gutted the Voting Rights Act (VRA), at least twenty-nine states have passed ninety-four laws that make it harder to vote. 

We need a fully restored VRA to defend our democracy and protect the freedom to vote.

The league is proud to support the reintroduction of HR14 and S4,
the John R. Lewis Voting Rights
Advancement Act (

Tell your members of Congress to protect the freedom to vote and support the JLVRAA.

Clicking on the link below which will take you the LWVUS JLVRAA page where you can input your name and address to generate template letters to your legislative representatives.

Support the passage of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.



 The PA State budget was passed on July 11, 2024
with an increase of over $1B
for Pre-K to 12 education funding
in a significant step
to deliver 
quality public education  
to all of 
Pennsylvania's children.

Thank you for your advocacy. 

End Closed Primaries in Pennsylvania!

Be a part of the statewide organization working to make Open Primaries a reality in PA. 

SB 400, HB 976 and HB 979 are currently pending in the PA State Legislature to change our current closed primary system.


Contact the office of House Speaker Joanna McClinton at (717)772-9850 to urge a vote on HB 976 and HB 979. 

Contact the office of Senator and State Government Chair Cris Dush at (717)787-7084 to urge action on SB 400.

Learn more

Click Here to See the "End Closed Primaries in PA" Presentation

Click Here to learn more and sign the petition

Becky Wyss and Pamela Hrovoski

at Hempfield High School on April 16.

Informing Voters Empowering People

Help Young Voters

develop a life-long habit of voting.

Join the Youth Voter Engagement Committee.

We need committee members

to help us reach out to colleges and high schools in Westmoreland County.

Please send an email to

if interested.

Making a difference in our community
Empowering Voters                      Defending Democracy 

2023 Greensburg Summer Sounds Sam
June 2023 Twin Lakes 2
2023 Scottdale Pride 23-06362.jpg

Summer Sounds

It was a beautiful August evening for the LWVWC voter registration and information event at the Greensburg Summer Sounds concert.
Fix Harrisburg volunteers joined us to share how changes to the
PA legislature can help enact more bipartisan solutions to improve our communities.
Fix Harrisburg

Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival

LWVWC members spent a June 2023 day sharing VOTE411 and Fix Harrisburg information  and collecting signatures for the petition to impact legislative rules so that bipartisan supported bills get brought up for a vote.


Scottdale Pride
Voter Information Event

2023 was our second year at this event in Scottdale engaging the attendees on voting issues and
sharing printed information on the next election.




Want to Know More About Elections in Westmoreland County?

To watch the video on elections and election security by Greg McClosky, Director of Westmoreland County Operations and the Election Bureau, click on Election Integrity and All Other Things Election.



Get more information on our Voting Info page or at VOTE411

Common Misconceptions About Election Security
Responses are from the Official Pennsylvania Department of State Website


Misconception:  "We need to use paper ballots for our elections"

Fact:  As of June 2, 2020, all 67 of the Pennsylvania's counties have deployed voting systems that produce voter-verifiable paper records and meet 21st-century standards of security, auditability and accessibility.

Misconception:  "The voting machines are being hacked over the internet and votes are being changed"

Fact:  All certified voting systems in Pennsylvania, including the election management system and vote-tallying components, are never connected to or permitted on internet-facing networks.  

There is no evidence that Pennsylvania’s voter rolls or vote results have ever been hacked or compromised.

Misconception:  "The election results are not audited."

Fact:  "To ensure votes are counted correctly, Pennsylvania counties currently conduct two types of post-election analyses: a statistical sample required by law and a statewide risk-limiting audit. 

Misconception:  "More people voted in the last election than were eligible to vote"

Fact:  A layered set of protections is in place to secure voter registration databases.


To see that more voting age people are eligible to vote than actually voted in the last election in PA, check out the current PA Voter Turnout and Voting Age Population numbers from the PA Department of State at Voting and Election Statistics 

Misconception:  "How can we be certain that votes aren't being changed?"

Fact:  Local election officials employ physical protections, cybersecurity techniques and pre & post election examinations.  Once the polls close on election day, official precinct election results are hand-delivered to county election officials.  
Watch this video from the PA Department of State on Election Security at the Local Level 

Past Timely Topics Events


"K-12 Governance and the Role of School Boards"

(Click on the title link above to view the presentation on YouTube.)


Presented By Ron Cowell of the Education and Policy Center

Check out

Videos of the

Timely Topics



"Finding One Billion Dollars: Funding Westmoreland County Schools"


(Click on the title link above to view the video on YouTube.)

Presented By Matt Cesario former school board president of the Keystone Oaks School District


"What Closed Primaries Mean to Pennsylvania Voters"
(Click on the title link above to view the presentation on YouTube.)

Closed primaries prevent more than one million independent & non-affiliated PA voters from having a voice in choosing candidates in primary elections.  

Presented By Jack Wagner, former PA State Senator and former Auditor General of Pennsylvania

Check out

Videos of the

Timely Topics



"Election Integrity and All Other Things Election"

(Click on the title link above to view the video on YouTube.)

Along with the video, click on the title below to view the
Election Integrity and All Other Things Election PowerPoint 

Presented By Greg McCloskey, Director of Westmoreland County Operations and the Election Bureau

The LWVWC encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. 

The LWVWC is nonpartisan and committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

LWVWC DEI Resources